Thursday, September 11, 2008


Yesterday physicists fired up the Large Hadron Collider on the Fanco/Swiss Border and sent some protons spinning in a successful test. The LHC is a designed to accelerate protons to very close to the speed of light along a 17mile circumference tunnel 300 feet below the surface of the earth, at -270 degrees below zero, then smash these subatmoic particles together. This is all to theoretically mimick the "big bang". I find this absolutely fascinating and spent a good bit of time watching youtube videos and reading articles about this. The physicists are expecting to create entirely new particles, reveal the origins of mass, shed light on dark matter, and possibly find extra dimension of space! And, the really crazy thing is that they don't really know what will happen when you smash up subatomic particles. The whole project has been sued by people who theorize that these experiments could cause a chain reaction that causes the entire earth to implode into a black hole or explode like a giant nuke. However, from what I have read, this testing is supposed to be "safe". But who knows? So fasten your seatbelt folks. Pretty soon we could be cruising through another dimension, getting beamed up, or roasted like a hot dog. I'd be happy with jetpacks.


skippy haha said...

nerd alert, nerd alert!
just kidding, you are right this stuff is very interesting. people...always pushing the boundaries...
glad we're not vaporized.

Brian Ross said...

They have only spun the protons unidirectional so far. No actual collisions. I will be following this closely. I believe the first actual collisions are scheduled for October. People will never be satisfied. It is our curse.